The Teachers of Pui Ching: Ms. Rachel

by Danelle Ling (4C) and Angie Leung (4F)

We have interviewed our Pui Ching teacher, Ms Rachel. She is an Integrated English and Multiple Intelligences teacher. She also teaches the after school activity The Pui Ching Gazette. Before she became a teacher, Ms. Rachel used to work as a chef, where she would come up with recipes and teach other people how to make them.

Ms. Rachel hated school when she was young. It was only when she met a few teachers whom she really looked up to that she started to build the love of English in her heart. One of them was her class teacher in Secondary 4, which is when she started to think that it would be really cool if she could inspire other kids just like her teacher inspired her. But being a teacher is hard. For example: as a teacher, you need to start work early and there are lots of things to do. Also she is from another country so it was sometimes harder to talk with other colleagues. The good thing is, her family really supports her to do this job and she quickly found she fits in this job.

Ms. Rachel loves students who love learning. You do not need to be the smartest or best-behaved student for her to like you: you just need to enjoy the lesson. She had also said she enjoys the class as much as the students. She properly fell in love with teaching when she started teaching Pui Ching students. The students here are so bright and easier to teach than the Kindergarten kids from Ms. Rachel’s job before Pui Ching. It makes her feel that she gets to come to work to have fun, which is brilliant!

This year is her second year in Pui Ching. This year is the most memorable year for her. She has gotten to know her students more and she loves working with the other teachers here, which makes work really fantastic. Ms. Rachel thinks that Pui Ching will go from strength to strength and hopes Pui Ching will be the best school in the future. She would also like to one day teach in Japan, England or maybe her home, Singapore!

PCPS Gazette