Pui Ching Primary School Swim Gala 2022-2023

by Danelle Ling (5D) and Johanna Kong (5D)

On the 15th of December it was the school's annual event — the swimming gala. It was a thrilling event so everyone was excited. We went to the Kowloon Park Swimming Pool in the morning to watch and participate in the competition. It has a lot of swimming events so everyone got into the race.

We had our opening ceremony at 8:45. We raised the flags of the country, the state and the school. We sang the national anthem, the school flag song and the school hymn. Everyone was excited as the competition was about to start.

The first competition we had was the breaststroke competition. Then we had freestyle, backstro, etc. In the middle of the race, we interviewed some of the spectators and the competitors in the race.

First, we interviewed Mr. Pang, our class teacher. He said, ”The swimming gala is a wonderful event and although it is cold outside, we still feel warm inside! And mostly, I am very happy to see the students in my class winning prizes. ” 

Alina, the winner of the backstroke competition thinks the swimming gala is exciting because the swimming gala was canceled the past three years and she is very happy now that she could finally come back to race! She wanted to enter this competition because she wanted to race for the last time in her primary years. She was extremely happy because she had won a Gold Prize.

I also interviewed Danelle Ling, who is also writing this article: ”The swimming gala is fun and exciting because I can watch the swimmers in my class compete and get awards,” she said. She added, ”I enjoy it because swimming is my best sport and I like watching swimming.”

The swimming gala is a very memorable event of this school year at Pui Ching. I hope we can have it next year and create more and more great memories!

PCPS Gazette