Our Favourite Villains

by Kaycee Leung (5E) and Hailey Luk (5G)

 You may ask, who is your favourite villain?

We did a survey (of 15 people) at the Pui Ching Gazette and found that 27% said that Lord Voldemort of the Harry Potter series was their favourite villain, whereas 27% also said that Loki from the Marvel Cinematic Universe was their ideal villain.

On the other hand, 20% chose Disney’s Cruella de Vil and 13% went with Marvel’s Thanos. Rounding up the survey, Batman’s nemesis, the Joker, Silco from Arcane, Leto Atreides II of DUNE and Stranger Things’s Vecna were each found to be the favourite villain of only 6.5% of those surveyed.

Since most people chose Lord Voldemort and Loki, we should learn more about them!

Lord Voldemort (also known as Tom Riddle) is the main villain in the popular series “Harry Potter.” According to google researche he is known as one of the greatest Legilimens in the world and a highly accomplished Occlumens - he can read minds and shield his own mind from penetration. Besides Dumbledore, he is also the only wizard ever known to be able to apparate silently. Voldemort was also said to fear one wizard alone - Dumbledore.

Lord Voldemort attempted many times to kill Harry Potter. The first time was when Harry was still a baby. Harry survived because of his mother’s love for him, something Voldemort never had. The result of this failure was that Voldemort was disembodied, and so, it made him hate Harry for the rest of his life. The only living thing Lord Voldemort ever truly loved is Nagini, Voldemort’s pet snake. According to Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort had strong feelings for Nagini as she is the only thing he ever cared about.

We all know Loki as the god of mischief and the brother of Thor, but actually he was an abandoned son of a frost giant. Odin then found and adopted him, using magic to make him look like an Asgardian, and raised him with Thor. When they grew up, they both wanted to rule Asgard, but Odin didn’t want anyone who doesn’t share his bloodline, much less a son of his biggest enemy, to rule Asgard. And so Thor became the heir to the throne and Loki became a villain because of his envy of Thor.

Since he couldn’t rule Asgard. Loki decided to set his goals lower, and so, he chose to conquer New York, a place loved greatly by Thor. Loki was defeated in the end and evil for quite a long time but, finally, Thor’s love reached him and he became the hero of his own TV series.

If you want to learn more about Voldemort, Loki or any of the other villains in our survey, you can search on the internet or watch their shows/movies yourself! Do you think Loki and Voldemort deserve to have the most votes? Do you think they’re actually evil or just broken inside? Feel free to comment and share your opinions. We would love to hear about your favourite villains!

PCPS Gazette