3 Delicious Strawberry Desserts in Hong Kong

by Marcus Wong (4F)

Strawberries are one of the best fruits, and they make great desserts too. These are three popular strawberry desserts in Hong Kong.

It is yummy. This dessert is sweet and sour. If you eat it slowly, the ice cream will melt. Strawberry ice cream can be eaten in two ways: in a cone, or in a cup. Ice cream in a cone may not look as nice, but it is easy to eat while walking. Ice cream cups are very beautiful, but they are not as convenient to eat on the go.

Strawberry cream cakes are a very delicious and popular dessert in Hong Kong. It has the texture of milk and cheese, and it is white. You can add little grapes or raspberries on top. It is a sweet and creamy dessert.

Panna cotta (Italian for "cooked cream") is an Italian dessert of sweetened cream thickened with gelatin and molded. This is a very yummy dessert. It is made of cream topped with strawberry jam.

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