The Teachers of Pui Ching: Ms. Chim

By Veron Cheng P6A

Ms Chim.jpg

Our Dear Teacher Miss Chim

Miss Chim (詹淑嫻老師) has been a Math, General Studies, Bible and Computer Science teacher in Pui Ching Primary School. If you are reading this article, you must know who she is! She is one of the teachers who has stayed the longest, and she’s still here now!


Veron:              When did you start working at Pui Ching?


Miss Chim:      Since 1996. It is such an honor.


Veron:              How long have you been teaching in Pui Ching?


Miss Chim:      I’ve been teaching for 23 years.


Veron:              Wow! That’s a long time! Have you always dreamed of being a teacher?


Miss Chim:      Oh, yes I definitely have. That’s why it’s my first job.


Veron:              What’s your favourite subject you’ve been teaching?


Miss Chim:      I would have to say Math or Computer Science.


Veron:              And why is that?


Miss Chim:      It’s because I have more knowledge on both of these subjects, I feel more confident teaching my students too! I also think the subject has a bigger impact on students and it will be more helpful in the future.


Veron:              What are the major changes from your first year of teaching to now?


Miss Chim:      The major thing that has changed is definitely the technology. We didn’t have Ebooks back then, so it was quite difficult to teach because it was so hard to focus without a big screen. Moreover, two students had to share one computer during Computer Science. I.T. is way better now and we don’t have to use a lot of paper which makes it more environmentally-friendly.


Veron:              That’s a great thing to hear! I suppose we students should be more grateful. How many classes do you think you have taught?


Miss Chim:      I actually don’t know, but 8 years ago I’ve taught all P.5 and P.6 in Computer Science, I can’t teach Math all the time though. I’m teaching General Studies in P.6 now. I guess you can say I’ve taught a lot of classes.


Veron:              Have you ever had any proud or heart-touching experiences?


Miss Chim:      Yes, I have. My students were working on the Mboard Robots that I had taught for the past few weeks. Their models were so creative and interesting. It was such a happy moment and I still remember it till this day…


Veron:              That is indeed a very memorable moment. Try using one word to describe your teaching journey.


Miss Chim:      I would say satisfactory.


Veron:              Why is that?


Miss Chim:      I just love to help students and teach them new things every day! Seeing them enjoying to learn satisfies my heart and makes me full of glee.


Veron:              I’ve also heard you got a prize for your teaching journey at a ceremony, how did you feel?


Miss Chim:      I’ve actually gotten two awards for teaching 10 years and 20 years! It is such an accomplishment for me and an honor to be teaching Pui Ching. I love doing what I’m doing now and teaching is one of the main parts in my life.


Veron:              Do you plan to keep teaching at Pui Ching until you retire?


Miss Chim:      That is absolutely correct! I was planning this since the first day. As this is my first job, I will finish until I retire.


Veron:              Thank you so much for your time, Miss Chim!


Miss Chim:      You’re welcome!

Pui Ching Gazette