The Teachers of Pui Ching: Ms. Aarshi

By Kaden Lam P5B


Meet Miss Aarshi

 Miss Aarshi has been an English and Multiple Intelligences teacher in Pui Ching Primary School. She also is is in charge of the English Drama, Creative Writing and Debate after school activities. This is my interview with her.


Kaden:             When did you start teaching?


Ms. Aarshi:      I started teaching four years ago.


Kaden:             What kind of students you like the most?

Ms. Aarshi:      I think students who are proactive, who like to interact with the teachers and ask them questions. Mainly, students who participate in class. Students that like to talk. Students that like to present things and learn by teaching or sharing with other people should become teachers.


Kaden:             Which student would you suggest to be a teacher?


Ms. Aarshi:      Students that like to present things and learn by teaching or sharing with other people should become teachers.


Kaden:             What is your favourite food?

Ms. Aarshi:      I like Thai food. 

Kaden:             What dishes do you like the most?

Ms. Aarshi:      My favourite Thai dish is green curry. I don’t cook it but I would like to learn.


Kaden:             Why do you want to be a vegan?

Ms. Aarshi:      I became a vegetarian 10 years ago because I saw a video about how animals in industrial farming are tortured. Industrial farms are places where animals are raised for meat. They are tortured and live in small spaces. They have no space to breathe and are treated very badly. So I want to help the animals.


Kaden:             Is it hard to be vegan?

Ms. Aarshi:      In Hong Kong, yes it’s hard. Back in India, it’s not that hard because most of the people are vegetarians. Here in Hong Kong it’s quite hard to be vegetarian. I end up cooking a lot and make my own food. 


Kaden:             If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be and why?


Ms. Aarshi:      Before I became a teacher, I was an environmentalist. It’s a person who helps protect the trees and environment or If I weren’t a teacher, I would focus on writing and helping other people understand how to save trees, plants and animals.


Kaden:             Do you like Avengers? Which character you like the most?

Ms. Aarshi:      I think my favourite character would be Groot because he’s a tree (laughs).


Kaden:             Which movie you like the most?


Ms. Aarshi:      Recently I saw this movie called Knives Out. It’s a murder mystery where they’re trying to find out who the murderer is. It’s funny and lighthearted.


Kaden:             Where are you from?


Ms. Aarshi:      I come from India.


Kaden:             Do you like any sports?


Ms. Aarshi:      I used to be very good at badminton.


Kaden:             Why do you like that sport?


Ms. Aarshi:      My father was very good at it and he taught me how to play.


Kaden:             Tell me more about badminton.

Ms. Aarshi:     I would play badminton with my friends , my Dad and my Dad’s friends. My dad’s friends would bring their children and we would all play together.


Kaden:             What was your favourite subject in school?

Ms. Aarshi:      It kept changing. Until Form 4, I liked math. Then, I liked political science and history.


Kaden:             What is a difficult challenge you had to overcome?

Ms. Aarshi:      Interestingly, when I was in school, I had a lot of difficulty. I was unable to do my homework on time and perform the way the teachers wanted me to perform. I thought, “This is how life is going to be. It’s going to be difficult.” But when I went to university and started working, things got much easier. School time was quite difficult for me


Kaden:             How did you learn English so well?


Ms. Aarshi:      Both my parents are English professors. They teach in university. They used to read a lot and we would have a lot of books in the house and I would borrow from them and read.


Kaden:             Do you have other dreams?


Ms. Aarshi:      I want to become a writer. I want to write some novels. If I had another job, but I like teaching, because I can do it every day and I liked doing it every day. I like a routine.


Kaden:             What is your motive for being a teacher?


Ms. Aarshi:      I really enjoy being a teacher. I like spending time with children. It’s nice to share with a younger generation with all the things that I have learnt. I like to share.


Kaden:             Thanks for your time.

Pui Ching Gazette