Google Secrets You Have Got To Know!

By Kaden Hung 5E

google gravitys.PNG

Google has taken over the world of technology, yet many people still don’t know the secrets of Google, so here are some of them!

[Quick reminder: the following does not work on Google Chrome. If Google Chrome is your browser, type in “”.]

Have you ever thought: What if the Google homepage had gravity? Me neither. But this blew my mind when I found it! Go to and type in “Google Gravity” in the search bar, but DO NOT PRESS THE ENTER KEY! Instead, click on the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button. Then BOOM! Everything on the page will behave as if under the influence of Gravity!

(ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง 

google gravitys.PNG

The next secret is quite similar to the first one, it’s called Google Sphere. What it would look like if your homepage was a sphere? I know you haven’t thought of that before, but it would be quite entertaining if you do it in I.T. Class (JUST KIDDING DON’T DO IT, IF YOU DO THEN DON’T KILL ME).

Basically, just type in Google Sphere in the search bar, then click the “I’m feeling lucky bar”. Then there it is! The Google sphere of mysteriousness.

google sphere.PNG

Next secret! *clap* *clap*

Can you roll like a barrel? Yes? No? Well nobody cares, because Google can do it no matter where it is. Just type in “do a barrel roll” - but you don’t need to click the “I’m Feeling Lucky” bar this time. Because Google can do it whenever people are feeling lucky or not remember? There she does it! Magic, right? 👌 (゚Д゚)👌

To the next one!

The next one is pretty cool, you can play a very old game that some of the OGs might remember. It’s called Atari Breakout; it was used to be played on the Nintendo game boy. Just type in “Atari Breakout” into Google and press Enter. Then go on and press the “Image” tab. You have got a game to enjoy immediately, give yourself a hand.

The next one actually has two tricks in it, and are similar. The first one is called “flip a coin” and the second one is called “roll a dice”. Well as simple as it can be, just type in “roll a dice” or “flip a coin” depending on what you want!

google coin and dice.PNG

The next one is as cool as the last one I prepared, you basically type in “wizard of oz” and you’ll click on the pair of shoes in the box on the right. Then the screen goes grey, everything goes weird! And then your screen just turns a little grey, but it looks cool alright, with the effects and stuff. To reverse it, click on the tornado on the right.

google wizard of oz.PNG

The last one, is the big grape you see in those superhero movies, you know, the ones called Avengers. If you don’t know who that is, he’s the so called, ‘inevitable’. Yeah that’s right he’s Thanos, the big grape himself has decided to take on Google as well. Just type in “Thanos” then click on the gauntlet on the right and watch things disappear! To reverse it, just click on the time stone on the right.

That’s all for my article, thank you for clicking!

Pui Ching Gazette