Tips to Stay Healthy

by Hailey Wong (4C)

Hi, everyone! I know that you all want to stay healthy these days. Therefore, I did some research and these are the things that you should do and what you shouldn't do in order to stay healthy. 

1. Always follow the food pyramid! 

According to the food pyramid, for 6-11 year old kids:

Grains: 3-4 bowls

Vegetables: at least 2 servings

Fruits: at least 2 servings

Meat, fish, eggs and alternatives: 3-5 servings

Milk and alternatives: 2 servings 

Fat/oils, salt, sugar: eat the least

Fluids (water): 6-8 glasses  per day 

No matter how old you are, you should generally follow these rules of the food pyramid. 

Eat the most: Grains

Eat more: Vegetables and fruits 

Eat the right amount: Meat, fish, eggs, alternatives (including dry beans), milk and alternatives

Eat less: Fat/oils, salt, sugar 

Drink plenty of fluid like water, clear soup, tea, etc every day.

Although you shouldn’t always eat sweets, soda and chips, it is okay to eat it once a week. Also, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

2. Get plenty of rest!

You should always get plenty of rest because it can give you energy for the next day. For 6-11 year old kids, they should sleep for about 9-11 hours per day. That means if they wake up at seven a.m, they should be asleep by ten p.m. For teenagers, they should sleep for about 8-10 hours per day. For adults, they should sleep for about 7 or more hours per day. For the elderly, (age 65+), they should sleep about 7-8 hours. Sleeping is good for you! 

3. Exercise!

It is really important to exercise because it can keep your body fit. Studies have shown that you  should at least exercise for half an hour every day. If you want to lose weight or complete some fitness goals, you may need to exercise some more. Swimming, jogging, or even walking up the stairs are ideal at keeping fit. Keep a routine, and you'll be more fit than ever.

4. Say no to alcohol and cigarettes! 

It’s really unhealthy to smoke and drink lots of alcoholic drinks. If you drink too many alcoholic drinks, let’s say, five bottles of normal beer in 1-2 hours, you will start to feel dizzy and want to vomit. But even though large amounts of it will make you sick, it’s okay to have small amounts of it.  

Now onto cigarettes. Smoking is equally terrible to drinking a large amount of alcoholic drinks. It will increase your chance of getting cancer, diabetes and certain eye diseases. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) shows that more than 16 million Americans are living with a disease caused by smoking. Moreover, for every person who dies because of  smoking, at least 30 people live with a  serious smoking related illness. So that’s why smoking is really unhealthy. 

I hope my tips will come in handy in your daily life. Remember, stay healthy, stay happy! 

PCPS Gazette