Three Ways to Make Studying Easier

by Phoebe Chan (5H)


When exam time arrives, students are all very stressed. We all want to have good grades but we always don’t want to study because it is very boring and we want to have fun. Today, I am going to share three ways to make studying easier. I hope you will find them helpful.


First of all, while we are studying, we can also listen to chill music. We shouldn’t listen to energizing music or you will not pay much attention to studying. Listening to music makes you relax and will make you forget the fun things that you want to do that were going through your mind. I have experienced that before and it was stressful. Then, I try to listen to some relaxing music and it do make me feel better.

In my own experience, I have studied many times with music and I highly recommend that you will try this tip when you want to make studying easier.

Secondly, we could take a nap before studying. So, this could give us more energy while we are studying. Feeling exhausted when studying is very annoying and makes you have diseases while you are revising. It is because revising causes a lot of thinking with your brain and if your brain is already tired, your brain cells will only hurt with no good results at all. You will easily forget the stuff you revise if your brain is tired. So, remember if you are feeling tired, you should take a nap before you start revising.

Finally, it will be much better to have a comfortable place to study. Such as if the weather is very hot, it will be much better to turn on the fan or air conditioner. It is because people get annoyed easily. So if the weather is hot, we will complain about the problem and not concentrate on studying. It is very useful to have a comfortable place so we could concentrate and it will be a better place for us to think and revise.

In conclusion, these tips are all to help you feel more comfortable and relaxed. I hope these tips help you through stressful times while studying.

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