The Lantau Tomorrow Vision May Leave Animals Homeless

by Matthew Chan (6F)

The Lantau Tomorrow Vision project was proposed by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong in 2018. It cost $500 billion HKD. Citizens may have a place to live, but some other creatures may not be that lucky. These are three such animals who may be endangered.

1. Chinese White Dolphins

The Chinese white dolphin is a kind of dolphin which lives in Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine

Park. Theie numbers had decreased from 80 to 32. Land reclamation such as the Three Runway System

and the Lantau Tomorrow has forced the dolphins to leave their home because of the reclamation.

2. Sea Pens

Sea Pens are rare species of coral. It has been found on Sunshine Island, which is near the construction site of the Lantau Tomorrow Vision.

3. Dibamus Bogadeki

Dibamus bogadeki is a species of legless lizard. It lives on Hei Ling Chau, which is also near the construction site of the Lantau Tomorrow Vision. Hong Kong only has 7 lizards found in 2014. There are other creatures that are threatened by the Lantau tomorrow Vision. If the HK government used brownfields instead of land reclamation, some of this threat may be mitigated.

PCPS Gazette