RICKROLL-MARE: The Story - Chapter 3 The Bacon!

by Johanna Kong (5D) and Danelle Ling (5D)

Ms Bacon stormed into the classroom, chewing that bacon sandwich.

“WHY ISN’T YOUR MR EGG NOT HERE? AND WHY IS RICK ASTELY HERE?!”She roared in anger.                  

“BRUH!” we shouted, “We are enjoying our party at the moment, AHHH… I forgot to make the poster, let me post it on the door…DO NOT DISTURB!!!!!! WE HAVE VIP!”

“Wait… guys, SHE IS MS BACON!!! Not Rick Astley’s girlfriend! AHH OH DEEAAR! KNEEL! EVERYBODY KNEEL DOWN AND THROW BACONS!” I realized and cried. I thought that I would be kicked out of school if Ms Bacon gave me another misbehave record.


“Oh no!” I thought,“I will be kicked out of school for good!” My tears came slowly out of my eyes.

I sighed because I knew that even if I pleaded with Ms Bacon, I wouldn’t get permission to stay in this school.

Suddenly, Dadoot shouted, “OUCH! I JUST GOT A CUT ON MY FINGERS!”

“Is it really painful, Dadoot student?” Questioned Ms Bacon. “Do you need to go to the hospital?”

Dadoot rolled her eyes and replied, “No… I only have to go to the medical room, Ms Bacon” After that, they disappeared in the hallway.

A few minutes later, Dadoot came back. However, Ms Bacon wasn't in sight.

“Where is Ms Bacon?” we asked.

“Well…” said Dadoot.

Look forward to chapter 4!

PCPS Gazette