Full Time School Day Schedule

by Hailey Luk (5G) and Kaycee Leung (5E)

Pui Ching Primary School  has returned to its usual full time school. But it has been a very long time since the last time we have experienced it, so many students feel nervous about the big change. And like any other changes, this one also has its ups and downs. So let’s find out more about the full time school day schedule now.

The school day is about 6 and a half hours long, including 30 minute class periods, 45 minutes added together for recess, 30 minutes for lunchtime and 20 minutes for lunch break. And the most surprising part is the homeroom lesson is 1 hour and 15 minutes long! Most students have been trying to debate about this since it’s not fair and balanced for our homeroom lesson to be that long, sitting in our classroom is super boring. Any class would be more interesting than this. Other than that most of the other things are mostly fine. 

School lunchtime and lunch break, 66% of the people we surveyed eat school lunch, but only 33% wanted to, (42% answered “Maybe”). If you eat the school lunch you would know how it tastes. Not everyone likes the taste of the school lunches. Like the day we had spicy curry. It was too spicy! But there are also some good meals.

91% of the students of the ones that surveyed thought the long lessons were the worst part of the full-time school days. From my experience, I don’t think it’s that bad because when I was in 1st grade, each lesson used to be 35 minutes long but now each class is 30 minutes only. Personally, the long homeroom classes are the worst.

There are much more activities due to the extra time now, including the sports you can do during lunch break. Basically, you can skip with your own skipping rope and borrow bats and balls or bring your own for table tennis daily. But, you can only borrow the balls for basketball on Monday and Thursday, volleyball on Wednesday and Friday and football on Tuesday. Besides sports, you can also go to the library or the computer room too! Sometimes, the classrooms also provide board games for you to play. With so many activities, no wonder 75% of the people we surveyed thought more time with friends was an upside of the full time school day schedule.

Well, do you enjoy the full-time school day schedule? Feel free to share your thoughts and all that!

PCPS Gazette