RICKROLL-MARE: The Story - Chapter 2 Rick Astley

by Johanna Kong (5D) and Danelle Ling (5D)

 “Hey! Rick Astley!” Mr. Egg yelled.

“Now, go away or I will give you more homework!” 

  "No!!!!!!!!!” Cried all of us GRUMPILY, “that’s already unfair you gave so much homework! And now you are giving homework to an adult?”

  “Never mind,” replied Rick,“ because I have Rickroll powers!”

 “YAY!” We applauded and jumped up and down. “Rick Astley is helping us!”

  Rick Astley took a microphone and started rickrolling. “DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH!”

  Then we went to the computer, pushed Mr. Egg aside and found a perfect Rickroll song! It was fun and we all danced. Dadoot and I danced on the table as if it was a stage. We were actually on cloud nine! 

  Suddenly, there was a loud “BANG!” from the teacher’s desk and all the paper and books slipped onto the floor.

   “I have already had enough of YOU ALL! Now, TWO CHOICES: ONE, YOU ALL GET OUT. TWO, I GO OUT!”Exclaimed Mr. Egg.

“Then Get Out! You can rest for the rest of the day! HAPPY, RIGHT?” Answered the children merrily.

     And then, all of a sudden, Mr. Egg slammed the door loudly and he didn’t come back in!

     The children jumped up and down when Mr. Egg left the classroom, they drew a lot of pictures of Rick Astley and threw an enormous party.

      Just as they were playing with excitement, the Head Teacher, Ms. Bacon, stepped into the classroom and…

PCPS Gazette