4F's Mad Comic Boy: Leung Yik Fei

by Natalie Chen (4F)

Yik Fei is a 9 year old boy who loves getting attention. He loves drawing with his imagination. He recently created an episode of his comics. This all started when our Chinese teacher, Miss Tang, assigned comics for homework. Yik Fei got to work right away. After the holidays, the teachers liked it so much they hanged it on the wall for everyone to enjoy. He loved the teachers comments so much he decided to make more comics. Then his comics got more and more intense. His comics always include our teacher Miss Tang and the stories always revolve around Yik Fei getting kicked out of school or getting into trouble, which is very funny.

Now, his life is pretty crazy. His friend Kenny said “He always gets hit by his little sister.” They both draw comics and really enjoy it. At school his  least favourite teacher is Miss Tang. English and Visual Arts are the classes that he’s the most focused in. 
He works hard and Miss Wong, our class teacher, loves it. However, Miss Tang, our vice class teacher, says it is funny, but she wouldn’t do such a thing. I personally think it is funny but dangerous. We have a comment list and lots of my classmates don’t like it as much, but my friend Kaylie says that it is awesome to support Yik Fei.  

Yik Fei goes to the school library every day after lunch, but if there's a long line, he will stay in the classroom and brainstorm for another comic.

Yik Fei posing with his most recent work.

 Yik Fei worked hard to finish the first volume and is writing the next volume which will be released in March 2023. This volume will take place during the age of dinosaurs. If you want to know more about him, contact him at s2020353@pcps.edu.hk  .

PCPS Gazette