RICKROLL-MARE: The Story - Chapter 1

by Danelle Ling (5D) and Johanna Kong (5D)


       On a very lovely morning, the sun was shining very brightly in the 5D classroom as Mr. Egg, the class teacher, was having a lesson with his students.

“We are going to have a science project, lots of supplementary worksheets, fifteen pages of workbook and ten pages of happy handwriting. I think this is okay for you in one Christmas holiday, right? So no excuses! Hand back all the homework that I told you to do. OKAY? ” he said. Everyone groaned.

“Why is Mr. Stupid Egg giving this much homework?” I  whispered to my friend, Dadoot, my new classmate.

“We will never finish it!”

“Yes, I would rather do a sleeping project now. It is boring sitting here and listening to Mr. Egg talk about our homework,” replied Dadoot.

“I wish we were going to the water park now!” I sighed. It was so boring that everyone fell asleep.

Suddenly, someone kicked open the door so loud that everyone jumped up from their seats.

“Hey! Who are you?” yelled Mr. Egg, “and why don't you open the door gently? This door cost me ten million dollars! Get out!!!!!!” he shouted angrily.

“Oh! It’s Rick Astley!” said Dadoot.

“YAY! Rick Astley in real life! RICKROLL RICKROLL RICKROLL RICKROLL!!!!” shouted the whole class, thrilled.

 Look forward to chapter2!

PCPS Gazette