Movie Review: Rio (2011)

by Xanthus Ng (5E)

Rio is my favorite movie. I like it because I like birds very much. I sometimes go to the park to take photos of birds with my family.

The movie was first released on 2011 April 15th, it was directed by Carlos Saldanha. It is a family, adventure movie.

The characters include: Blu (bird), Jewel (bird), Linda, Nigel (bird), Pedro, Rafael, Luiz (dog), Fernando (boy), Marcel (bad person), Tulio, Nico, Kipo, Sylvio, Tipa, Dr. Barbosa and more

What the movie is about.

A blue macaw (a kind of bird) was captured when he was just a baby. The bird did not know how to fly until the end of the movie. The bird was on a truck in Minnesota when it fell out of the truck. A small girl named Linda found the bird and named it Blu. They became best friends for many years and have a daily routine.

One day, a man called Tulio who was from a bird saving club in Rio, Brazil, told Linda that the blue macaws were endangered and that the only ones that the bird saving club knows are left were Blu and Jewel.

They needed to get Blu and Jewel together. Linda and Tulio brought Blu to Rio de Janeiro.

At the club they found many birds, one of them, Nigel, caught Blu’s eye.

Nigel was a white cockatoo who used to be a TV star. He was very bossy and hated other birds. He joined the bird saving club because his master, Marcel, told Nigel to pretend to be sick in the park so Nigel could get in the club. Nigel needed to get in the club, so Nigel could get the keys into the club and let Fernando (who was just a small boy and one of Marcel’s assistants) to get in the club at night and get the two Blue Macaws and bring them to another county to sell.

While the two blue macaws were in a room together, Fernando got in the club and grabbed the two birds and brought them back to Marcel, who put them in a room full of cages of birds.

Meanwhile, Linda and Tulio were looking for the lost birds. They gave some flyers to people but everyone said they didn’t know where the lost birds were. Blu and Jewel, trapped in the cage, tried to get away when Blu opened the cage.

They found Rafael who told them to find Luiz, before going to find Luiz, Rafael brought them to the bird carnival, they were having a great time when the monkeys came and told the birds to move as they needed to get the two macaws for Nigel the bird, so Nigel could go and bring them back to his master, and that’s when the “Birds vs Monkeys” fight began.

That is the end of the movie. I thought it was great!

The movie is also quite successful. Rachel Wagner said “I found it quite charming!”

Many other people said it was good too! 

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