The Jacob Lee Interview

by Danelle Ling (5D)

In our school, there is an intelligent boy named Jacob Lee. You may ask, “What makes him so clever?” Well, you’ll see in this article!

Jacob is a knowledgeable student in our class, P5D, and has a lot of hobbies. He likes playing with his chair in class all the time, but he is really good at all subjects, especially math. He has gotten a hundred marks in math assessments two times. Looks like he’s an expert at that subject. He is also an HKAGE member.

As we all know, there is a General Studies Competition for Primary 5 students. Jacob and some students from our class attended it. Jacob has a wonderful mind that made him and his teammates answer the questions so quickly and they went to the second round of the competition, and eventually got the second prize! We yelled out “bravo’’ for him and the other teammates!

Other than learning, Jacob is also a creative writer. He has written four episodes of “Captain Calculus” and it is about a hero teaching calculus. He loves learning about science and particle physics because he is really interested in science. He is also a youtuber - you can copy  this link below to see his wonderful videos!


Jacob does a lot of interesting things in our class, too. For example, he has acted in the famous play -  Rickroll Mare. In the play, he played Mr Wood. He loves dancing Rickroll so much that one day he went to a classroom  to rickroll the teacher!

Jacob has done an excellent job throughout the year. You may say that he is a super crazy boy, but just look him in the outside and you will see how intelligent and smart he is!

PCPS Gazette