5 Cool YouTube Tricks

By Cheng Wing Yan 4H


  Lots of people use Youtube but do you know more about Youtube? Here are some tips of Youtube.

1) Multicolour video bar


  When you open a video , type " awesome", you can see the timeline in multicolour. It is awesome.

  And if you want to turn back to normal, you just need to type one more’’ awesome’’ .

2)Keyboard shortcuts 


a) You can go forward or backward in a video on your desktop to rewind or fast-forward 10 seconds.

   J= Back to 10 seconds  L= Forward to 10 seconds

b) You can play the video or pause the video. 

   K= Play and Pause

c) You can let the video into full screen.

   F= Fullscreen

d) You can go forward or backward in a video on your desktop to rewind or fast forward 5 seconds.

   Left= Back to 5 second  Right= Forward 

e) You can mute a video

   M= Mute

3) Link to any part of a video

  Usually, you link a video, it starts at the beginning. If you want to start a video at a specified time, like 5 minute and 31 second, then go to the end of a video’s URL, then press ‘’&t=5m31s’’, M for minute and S for second.

4) Full transcript


 If you want to read a full transcript of a video , you need to press the  button“ more” under the video and then press''the full transcript'' , and then you can see every word spoken in that video.

5) Speed of Video


  You can adjust the video playback speed of videos on YouTube. To adjust the playback speed simply hover over the video and you'll see a settings gear when you click on this on this menu there's an option for “playback speed “when you click on this you can adjust it so it goes slower or you could speed it up.

  You can also click on playback speed and there's the option to see a custom playback speed,  so you could choose whatever speed you want.  So if you want to go a little faster you can set that if you want to go a little bit slower you can also set that as well.

Pui Ching Gazette