What If My Pet Was A Human? Chapter 2

by Hailey Luk (5G)


After school, I took Sunny around the streets to try Hong Kong traditional foods!

Sunny: Where’re we going now? Or are we gonna stay home?

Me: Let me take you to the streets! You'll get to try loads of traditional Hong Kong food.

Sunny: Ok?

I took my wallet, phone and earphones. We asked my sister if she wanted to go as well but sadly she has loads of homework. 

Sunny hopped on my sister’s bike while I took mine and we got going.

Me: When I say stop, we’ll stop, ok?

Sunny: Ok! Don't stress about it.

We arrived at a bakery.

Sunny: What are we doing here?

Me: We're here to get some pastries! (whips out 30 bucks)

Me: (talking to the cashier) Can I have a set of 4 egg tarts and two pineapple buns?

Cashier: Well, of course! Coming up in a moment.

Sunny: Oooo, what are those?

Me: They are one of the Hong Kong traditional foods I'm trying with you!

Cashier: Kid! Your food’s here.

Me: Thank you.

I gave an egg tart and pineapple bun to Sunny.

Sunny: (eating) Mmmm

Me: Do you like it?

Sunny: Yes! Yes! 

Me: Ok, ok. Slow down so you can enjoy it.

Sunny finished about 13 minutes later.

Me: Ok, Sunny. Let’s get going to the next spot!

Sunny: (thinking) *yes! Free food..*

Next up, we went to a street food stand.

Sunny: Hm, what are we gonna eat this time?

Me: We're having my favorite, egg waffles!

Sunny: Ooo, that sounds delicious..

I went up to the counter.

Me: Pretty lady, can I get two egg waffles? (in Cantonese)

Stand owner: Coming right up! (in Cantonese)

Sunny: I cant wait!

Me: Be patient, it's coming.

Stand owner: Little one! The food’s ready!

Sunny: (thinking) *finally.*

I handed one of the egg waffles to Sunny.

Me: Gran buys me one of these every week! They're my absolute favorite!

Sunny: (takes a bite) Wow, you weren't lying, these are indescribable!

We have one last stop to go to, a dim sum stand.

Me: Hello, ma’am. A set of xiao long baos please!

Worker: Coming right up!

After a bit, the food was ready and served to us.

Me: Be careful,Sunny! The baos ae very hot!

Sunny: Ah, ok.

After we finished eating…

Sunny: Wow! These foods are actually really tasty!

Me: I know, I know… 

Sunny: Let’s head home!

We went on our bikes and rode back home.

Me: Oh and by the way -

Suddenly, Sunny started growing his fur back and turned small… he has become a dog again!

Me: oh… The good old Sunny…

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