What If My Pet Was A Human? Chapter 1

by Hailey Luk (5G)

As pet owners, we've all wondered, what if my pet was a human?That's a pretty normal question for a pet owner. I have a black male Shiba Inu at home named Sunny, and I've always wondered what it would be like if he was human! So here's what I think he would be like if he woke up as an average school student!

Sunny: Why do I look so weird? And where did all my fur go! (confused)

Me: Bro, I just woke up. What's all the fuss about? Wait.. who are you, you intruder! 

Sunny: Huh? I'm Sunny! Your pet dog! Oh wait- I forgot I look like a human. But yet again, I’m Sunny!

Me: Well since you're a human now, you can't just stay home and sleep all day. All you do is eat and sleep!

Sunny: What do you mean? What else am I gonna possibly do?

Me: Well.. You're gonna go to school. And by the way, wear some proper clothes now.

Then, I pulled him into my room and tried on some of my clothes. Don't worry, everything in my closet is just hoodies or t-shirts!

Sunny: I feel so weird, don't you have something else?

Me: Appreciate me even giving you clothes! It's either that or the school uniform.

Personally I don't really like the uniforms. They're not my style, plus I dislike dresses.

Sunny: Fine. Let's just get going to that somewhat “school” thing.

Me: Trust me, you're gonna hate it. (sarcastic smile)

Before we go to school, I'm showing him human breakfast.

Me: Here, Sunny. Your biggest dream, to eat what us, humans eat. Pancakes, bread, french toast..etc

Sunny: Don't mind me digging in. Like right now!

Me: Ok. I mean - it's yours anyways. I have my own.

We spent about 27 minutes eating and enjoying ourselves. Now, we just have to think of how to sneak him into the car without dad noticing.

Me: Here are some everyday school supplies. Get any bag you want and pack up. We’re leaving in a few minutes.

Sunny: Ok. I'll be as fast as possible.

I thought of how to get him in the car. It's not exactly the best way to sneak someone in your car so don't try this at home!

Sunny: Ready! Let's get going.

Me: Ok. Now, you have to get in the car trunk.

Sunny: What-uh, ok, I guess?

I put our things in the trunk and he climbed in. Me and my sister hopped in and my dad started the engine. During the ride, I told my sister about the situation. But of course, she promised not to tell anyone. No one would believe us anyway.

After the ride, we ran to class because we were late. I took Sunny to my class since he isn't tall enough to be in the 6th grade.

Me: Sorry for being late, Ms. Wong!

Ms. Wong: It's fine, take your seats. Just don't do it again. Besides that, may I ask, who is he?

Me: Uh - he's the new student! Also known as my cousin. His name is Sunny.

Sunny: Yep! That’s me. (nervous smile)

Ms. Wong: Wow! I didn't get notified about a new student. Class! Give our new friend a warm welcome.

Sunny: Miss, where do I sit?

Ms. Wong: You can sit next to Hailey since you guys know each other more.

Sunny and I went to our seats. 

Sunny: So? What is this “school” thing all about? Why do you guys come here everyday (whispers)

Me: You just have to sit here and listen. Soon, you'll know what this thing is all about. (whispers back)

After the two English classes. It's now recess!

Sunny: What? You and your sister come here half the day. Just doing these boring assignments?

Me: Well, that's just in general. You still have loads of other classes to attend.

Sunny: What? There's more?

Me: Of course, next is math. Be prepared, that's the most boring class you would ever attend.

The bell rang. We’re now halfway through math class.

Sunny: I don't understand this! You guys literally spend time writing random symbols. Like - it doesn't make any sense.

Me: Technically Math is the “language of the universe”. However, I think it's nonsense as well. Also, Chinese is up next.

It’s now Chinese class.

Me: I already know what you're gonna say, I don't understand much Chinese either so - Don’t ask me. (hehe)

Sunny: How did you read my mind - nevermind, nevermind!

We had a boring school day as always. After all the classes, we went home. Do you like school?

Part two coming soon. Please leave some comments and suggestions. And feel free to share some opinions and how I can improve.

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