Are P6 Students Stressed About the Upcoming Exams?

By Aaden Shek 6A

     As a sixth grader, I’ve always had a certain amount of stress, about the upcoming SSPA exam, my future secondary school etc. I felt like stacks of stress were on my back. Every day, my brain was always thinking of those worries.

     I felt unusual. I thought: This was, most probably, because of my stress! To test that if others are as stressed as I am, I interviewed 30 sixth graders. The questions I’ve asked are shown below:


Students Stress Survey

1.      How will you rate your stress?(1=lowest 10=highest)

2.      Who/what usually produces your stress?

3.      How much of your stress is caused by the upcoming Secondary School Places
      Allocation (SSPA)?

4. What do you think can reduce your stress?


Students Stress Levels

We asked P6 students to rate their stress levels.

     To my astonishment, more than 18 students said their stress levels were more than 6, and 2 students even rated themselves as stressed as level 10! Also, most of the students pointed out that 84% (average number) of stress was caused by the SSPA. According to a P6 student, Clement Man, his stress is nearly all caused by the coming SSPA! This can possibly cause depression to most of the students, which is usually caused by bad mood, stressful life events and medication.


     In fact, students are pointing out that some of them even had the thought of self-harm. They told me that their parents and teachers are always the cause of their worries and stress. The school and parents should clearly think of ways to solve this problem.

     As for question 3, “How do you think can reduce your stress?” Most of the interviewees said that they could exercise, read books, sleep or take some rest. However, P6B student Aidan Wong and P6C student Galron Lau told me, “I usually don’t do these things, not because I don’t want to do them, but because I have no time!”

     If this continues, depression, or even self-harm may happen. I hope this will not happen. We must do something to help everyone!

Pui Ching Gazette