A “How to” on playing Kiomet

Kiomet is a game that requires skill, time, and patience. 

A player can start with basic skills like Friend anyone, kill the king.(see 1:06-4:44 in this video below by Leecros, my favourite youtuber in playing Kiomet.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46UO-Bub4Sk

At first, your goal is to conquer towers and when you reach the number of 70 towers. you’ll need a rotate system. A rotated system is a system that automatically takes the players  to the tower that you can set. This helps create something called a o supply line. You can get there by clicking on  a tower to open its menu. Then drag from the tower as normal. If the resulting path has moving arrows, you've succeeded. Hold R to display all your supply lines. To delete a supply line, create the same one again or hold Shift + R. You cann take it to a movable tower and the other movable towers can take it to the other towers and it can be forever, but you need to rotate it to the start.(watch 11:38-13:57 in the video Up there)

When your towers reach 70, keep extending.

Upgrade to a  bunker to upgrade the artillery, as opponents  can be attacking in the air even without roads for them to go on to(see 59:00-1:07:24 in that video up there). Then upgrade to a silo. Silos are very good for  attacking from the air and do  incredible  damage to your  opponent’s towers(see 43:25-52:30 in that video up there). Continue to upgrade some rockets and  to the launcher. The launcher has one very interesting function. It can disable towers for one minute, probably useful in disabling silos during battles(see 1:07:37-1:11:47 in that video up there). You can use them to attack enemies if the enemy is attacking you. The interesting thing is, they can defend themselves  if you can find the tower to  attack then you will be able to defend it.

If you have many friends and you have many towers, you can choose the weakest friend and attack it in order to get more towers.

Attack the king if you see where the king is. Then rotate your rotate system to the enemy's king’s tower,then the enemy will die, although many nearby towers will disappear.

Upgrade two centrifuges and two refineries. Do upgrade some more centrifuge to upgrade the projector. Projector is used for hearts for your units and can be useful in fighting.

Upgrade some headquarters, bunkers and rampart along your territory to defend better even if your enemies attack you.

Defending your king is the number one or else you will die and lose. After putting your king to the bunker (or headquarter), if you have at least two projectors send one projector to rotate some hearts to the bunker (or headquarter) that your king is in, then you will have at least 65 hearts in your king’s tower.

Select an enemy tower and click the  to request or accept an alliance. Until broken, the alliance will prevent each side from attacking. The alliance is good. You can support your friend when your friend is in need to show your kindness to your friend to prevent the friend from unfriending you and starting to attack you again.

Don’t upgrade towns and cities. They don’t have any use and I suggest you to not upgrade it and upgrade it to headquarters. Headquarters have much more hearts than towns and cities and the shell does 1 damage to it, EMP does no damage at all! Nuke, which does infinity damage only does 20 damage! Also the king will add 10 more hearts to it and if it is being rotated to the tower it will have 65 hearts. The bunker is the same except that the nuke only deals 10 damage!

Bomber can deal 20 damage if it is a group of 4. It is very powerful. The chat is very good.

Finally, whatever you do, just don’t play {crazygames Kiomet}, it is not the original version of Kiomet.

PCPS Gazette