Poem: Feelings


by Ziv Lee 4B



Everyone has feelings,

But sometimes I go crazy,

And emotions go out of control.

So I was wondering,

When I have a tantrum, how to handle it?

When I am disappointed, how to cheer up?

Mom says take a deep breath,

Dad says hug my teddy,

But I think it’s much harder than that.

Is there just any way to just fix it?

Feelings are something without proper fixing ways,

Even though people suggest some,

the response usually is,

“I’m feeling a bit better."

“A bit”.

Maybe you can say you are all better,

But sometimes deep inside,

it’s not true.

So you see emotions, well because their yours,

Sometimes it’s not up to others to comfort you,

It comes from you.

It’s your mission to publish a book called, “How to fix emotions” !

Things happen to cause emotions,

Like someone loses someone in their family,

So they don’t want to talk and always sulk,

Or someone finally found a job after so many reviews,

And they no longer stress or headache.


It can go really crazy,

As crazy as impossible to imagine.